Krafton, the maker of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), has banned over 66,000 accounts for cheating in the week ending April 3. In order to crack down on accounts that use unapproved third-party programmes in the game, Krafton announced that between March 28 and April 3, it permanently banned a total of 66,233 accounts from BGMI.
"Battlegrounds Mobile India will attempt to apply tough sanctions with the ultimate goal of eradicating the usage of illicit programmes in order to offer you a pleasant gaming experience," Krafton stated in an announcement post. The game's creator also released a list of all the accounts that were banned from the game last week. You may view the whole list by clicking here.
It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time Krafton has permanently banned accounts from BGMI for breaking company policies. Previously, the business permanently banned 22,013 accounts from March 21 to March 27 and another 7,057 accounts from March 14 to March 20. Between March 6 and April 3, Krafton banned a total of 1,22,766 accounts from BGMI.
Its most severe crackdown occurred between January 24 and February 6, when IT permanently banned 171,188 accounts from the game. Between January 3 and April 3, Krafton permanently banned a total of 5,69,420 accounts from BGMI.
These bans are part of the company's strict measures introduced last year to ban accounts that utilise unauthorised programmes from the game. Previously, the firm would block accounts from the game. That is, gamers whose accounts had been banned may play the game again by creating a new account.
However, in December of last year, Krafton declared that the account and the mobile device would be banned from playing the game, thereby barring gamers who utilised unlawful tactics from playing for good. "Previously, punishments were only applied to accounts, but now mobile devices will be restricted as well, making fair gameplay significantly more effective," the business stated in a statement announcing the news.
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